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Bestselling Medical Thrillers  
Tangled Web


The tranquillity of the Welsh village of Felinbach is shattered when the baby of a local couple is stolen from her cot. The police, in the absence of any other subject or motive, suspect John Palmer of his daughter's murder and their suspicions are confirmed when the baby's body is discovered buried in his garden.
Local doctor Tom Gordon begins to draw sinister connections between the death of the Palmers' daughter, the disappearance of a three month old cot death victim from the nearby hospital's Pathology Dept and the work of a local IVF clinic.
Ken McClure's Tangled Web evokes a sinister world where no life is sacred least of all a baby's and where the Hippocratic oath can be twisted and abused to fulfil the most desperate of motives.





The Steven Dunbar titles

The Devil's Landscape

The Secret

Lost Causes

Dust to Dust

White Death

Hypocrites Isle

The Lazarus Strain

Past Lives

The Gulf Conspiracy

Eye of the Raven



Pandora's Helix



Scorpion's Advance



Fenton's Winter



Tangled Web